Below are a list of on-demand training programs that I use to teach my coaching clients how to successfully communicate with their customers to generate more sales and increased income. Clicking “LEARN MORE” will take you to their webpage for more information and includes SPECIAL DEALS that I have been able to acquire for you… my friends!.
Evernote 4 Business

Many people try Evernote and abandon it because it looks like just a note taking tool… but it's SO MUCH MORE! It allows yo to scn business cards and it auto types the data for you. It sends “Nice To Meet You” emails. It allows you to share notes with clients, vendors and more, It allows you to clip and save webpages, articles and research like no other tool available. In this 8 part course, you will learn the basics, and delve into advanced techniques that will help you create, save, and and quickly find, ideas, notes, audio, video, web pages, PDF articles and more! This tool can save you over 200 hours a year (lost looking for info) and help you create business content used to communicate with your perfect customers!
Google Analytics Secrets

You would not try to run a business without knowing your numbers right? Then why would you try to do anything on the internet without know how effective your time and resources are being to your goals? Google analytics is like Quickbooks (accounting software) for all or your internet marketing activities that lead back to your website. Most people never check Google Analytics because they are not sure what they are looking at and what reports matter? In this course, you will the the reports you need to be looking at, which to not waste your time on, and how to effectively and intelligently use the data to quickly grow your business.
Leverage LinkedIn For Sales

Simply said, Linkedin is not a resume platform (unless you are looking for a job). It's the de facto relationship building and sales management tool if you are working in the business to business space. In this 4-part course, you will learn how to make your profile attract your perfect customers, how to connect with the Right People the RIGHT WAY, and how to efficiently create content that create awareness, engagement, and ultimately sales. Finally we will introduce you to some advanced tools and techniques, that will turn any average LinkedIn user, into a Sales Generating Ninja!
Nimble - CRM Training

Nimble is more than a killer CRM (Customer Relationship Manager), it's a communication platform and social media engagement tool that will actively help you stand out and make more sales. In this 4-part course, you will learn the technical info you need to properly set it up, and the techniques you can use to make better use of email, social media to generate great customer communication messaging.
Social Media Boot Camp

The most important part about understanding Social Media is understanding the WHY and the HOW! In this powerful and expansive almost 3 hour bootcamp, you will learn the WHY of relationship marketing and how to maximize in on multiple platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Learn how to communicate with your perfect audience, where THEY are hanging out, in the way that gets the most attention, engagement, and results!